Pinwheel Farm
Last Updated June 13, 2015

About the Farm:
type of farm: CSA, Dairy, Eggs, Fruits, Poultry, Vegetables, Herbs, Lamb, Wool, Sheep Skins, Sheep Milk Soap
About the CSA:
share structure: 2 CSA alternatives - Pinwheel Purchase Cards and weekly home deliveries within select geographic area.
distribution info: home delivery area is North Lawrence, East Lawrence, and Old West Lawrence, with a focus on serving customers who have difficulty getting to conventional farmer's markets or CSA pick-up points.
items in box: basic, familiar staples like salad, green onions, tomatoes, potatoes, radish, carrot, cooking greens, etc. Fresh fruit is included when available.
contact: Natalya Lowther, 785-979-6786
Find it
1480 N. 1700 Rd.
Lawrence, KS